
3 Month Curse

So here I am 24 years of age, and since the dawn of time have not been able to maintain any sort of relationship (family and friends don't count) longer than 3 months. It really is quite odd. This all started my senior year of high school and has continued on now into my twenty-something life. Most people by this time have had at least one if not many long-term relationships. In my time here I have had 2 relationships each of which lasted 3 months. In California it was the same...only 3 months. So what is this you ask? Is this a case of Julia Roberts syndrome? Ya know, after 3 months commitment seems impossible. Well a few years ago I would have said yes. But as time is progressing and I find myself getting older I am realizing that a solid relationship, although not necessary, would be a nice touch in my life. I had a conversation with a friend recently who told me the day I rang him to tell him I was in a serious relationship would be the day he would have a heart attack and perhaps even die. This didn't upset me, because he's been saying this since we were 13, but it did get me thinking. And thinking is all I have done since. Perhaps it isn't me at all who is the one phobic of commitment but instead the roll is reversed. It could also be that in the last 4 years I haven't lived in one place longer than a year without getting up and moving out. So that could be part of it. No matter what the reason, its quite wired. The day this 3 month curse expires will be a happy day. But until then it is back to life as usual. Keeping busy and making and maintaining friendships. Its a good thing I am content being single. :) Well there is my random venting.

2 weeks and counting till the marathon. Dear Lord! I am nervous already. Pray for good weather (no rain) it will make the run much more enjoyable.

Well this is me signing off! Thanks for reading!


Quote of the Week

"I want to rule the world. Every time I reach a new peak, I see a new one and want to climb. It's like I can't stop." ~Madonna


Quote of the Day

An Irish friend in the computer lab..."I used to think I wanted to live in America, then I read Stupid White Men."