
One more

Adeline said...

1. Clementine - By far my favorite sister ever. I love you so very very much! There's no one in the world that I hate seeing sad as much as you. You have seen my most desperate efforts to make someone laugh. Not to mention that you're probably my favorite person to make happy.
2. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (and many many more), and as far as music goes, just about anything from the early 90's - C&C Music Factory, the Real McCoy, etc.
3. Encouraging (Disclaimer: one word for a girl of so many words is about the largest challenge I've ever been put up to:))
4. Alright, you've got to be kidding, right? How is this possible, when just about all my moments with you are memorable. I'd say everything like wrestling with you, the Q-Tip conversation, Fam. Reunion in St. Louis lip syncing to some crazy music in our cabin, I'm a little tea-pot on warren st., you holding my hand going to Insty Prints from the "white house", going clubbing with you in Ireland, staying with you in Seattle your frosh year and being "corrupted" by your friends and many, many more.
5. Koala
6. I know I don't now everything about you, but I don't think I have much wondering going on about you. (cop-out, I'm aware)
7. Very very much. You've taught me to deal with things head on, and that I should believe in myself. You are my number one encourager, you believe in me when I don't believe in myself and without you I have no idea where I would be.

A very cool pick me up to my day!

Now its your turn:
01. Comment with your name and I will write something about you.
02. I will then tell what song/movie reminds me of you.
03. I will try to name a single word that best describes you.
04. I'll tell you the most memorable moment I've had with you.
05. I will tell you what animal you remind me of.
06. I'll then tell you something that I've always wondered about you.
07. I'll write something you've taught me.
08. Tack this little puppy in your blog.

Dan and Anna Lowney

The Wedding finally arived. After driving all over the state of Washington and Northern Oregon, I was able to see one of my greatest friends from high school get married. It was a wonderful time and was so great to see old friends, and meet new ones.

You may kiss the bride

The speech

Mr and Mrs Lowney

Is that a rocket on the side of the truck?!?!
sunset on the Washington Coast


Did that Say Food Stamps?!?

So I was driving with Jim and James in Aberdeen, and we drove past this Pizza place...does this seem like a classy city to you?! I never knew you could make your food stamps go so far.

Pizza anyone?!


Mariners on Fathers day.

Anna and Dan ventured over the river and through the woods to attend a Mariners game. The sun was shining, the seats were wonderful, and the Mariners CREAMED the Mets. Couldn't have been better.

Clem, Jim, Dan and Anna

At the Game


Jon and Alyssa Mudd

My Cousin Jon was married on the 11th of the Month, here are a couple pics. The first of the bride and groom, the second is of my cousins and my Aunt Mary. It was a wonderful time...but it always is when the Mudd's get together.


Crash and Burn

Life has been insane lately...on so many levels, and as I wrote the following to a friend I realized it summed up where my life is right now:

I had a therapeutic dream...well kinda grim....I was with friends and there was this NW plane overhead, and it started flying this way and that way, and then it flipped upsidedown...then we ran into this building and once inside I realized that I was in Ireland so we had to dial 999 not 911, but as I gave directions as to where the plane crash was I was in San Diego. The dispatcher said they had sent someone out to the accident..and that was that.

In retrospect, that is how I feel as though my life is a plane whirling out of control...and I feel as though I have so much going on internally, externally, and just overall. I think I need to just sit figure out where my life is going, where I want it to go, and what steps I have to take to get there. I need to be aware of my priorities, and stick to what is important.

So that is where I am at...I am taking everything friends, family and other have said to heart, and I just need to chew on it and figure out where my life will go. And by doing that I need to detach all the extreme emotions I feel and reflect retrospectively.

So...that is me at the moment...


Did I mention Limbo

Well as I sit here getting ready for my new joby job. Yes I finally scored one of those...one with benefits and everything. So that is fantabulous. If you want the boring details...let me know.

But then there is the social aspect of my life. And I don't know what to do about it. I at times think its completely normal, but at others think that some how my train has derailed and I have lost all sense of reality and 'adulthood'. Somewhere between San Diego in 2003 and present I have seemed to be caught off guard and have not been able to get on track. My priorities have me askew, and I feel discombobulated. I need to find direction, self, and most of all just figure out what I am doing with life outside of this job.

I am back in Helena, and that means that I get to conform to the married, 2.5 kids and white picket fence mentality of Helena...oh wait, no...I am single and don't want children right away.

I don't know maybe with a new job will come some sort of direction. One can only hope.