
War in Iraq

Check it out! A documentary starring a friend of mine. He was one of the first military units deployed to Iraq over 3 years ago. He helped to make this documentary about Post Traumatic Stress. Its videos like this that make me wonder if in another 20+ years we'll have a handful of folks who aren't as brave as Mike who deny they need help with the anxiety that war brings, and instead self medicate, or stand of the side of the road with the sign that says "Please help a hungry Iraq Vet". I hope this generation isn't too proud to realize that our young men and women fighting this war need assistance once they get home. They need help to assimilate into our 'normal' way of life. That is how we need to support the troops...remember them when they return. Well I hope you enjoy this as much as I did. http://www.current.tv/video?id=4721300

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Clementine for informing me about the movie, it's awesome.