
Once a Month

Posting is now looking like a monthly thing. Part of that is due to the lack of excitement in my life, and the other part is although there is no excitement I am insanely busy.

Life in Seattle looks as though it may come to an end. Yes I know *tear* . I am sure many of you are saying "WHAT?!?! You just moved there, which is very true, yet many things have changed in the past 3 months.

I have discovered that the job I once LOVED, I know don't love so much, I don't think I hate it yet, but it is not where I need or want to be at the moment. I love the industry, but I don't think I am ready for Managerial duties nor am I ready to be brought into a family run business and not be part of the family. That is tough. So that said...I have been interviewing with the MT Democratic party and am hoping I will be offered a job with them.

Idealy, I would be placed in Billings...yes again I am sure I am getting another WHAT?!?! And again I will let you know why this is the case. I have met a boy. An amazing boy who I have been away from since December. I can do the distance thing, but I don't like it and don't HAVE to do it. So I am opting not to. Billings may not work out so well, but no matter what I will be in the same state. Baby steps right?!

So that is the state of affairs at the moment.

Again forgive me for my lack of posting. I have some photos I can share soon and will once I get them!

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