
Sweet Ass

So I got this email today...really no point...but FUNNY!

I am bored and I realized I haven't had my Clementine fix. Erin came
down bozeman this weekend, we ended up at the Three Forks rodeo. I
ended up getting so drunk they wouldn't let me back in the bar. Which
is a first for me, I have kicked out of bars, denied service at a bar,
and was even involved in an altercation with a bar tender and the
police escorted me out of the bar. Never not let into a bar, I am
pretty proud. So yep, bought a couch cover, it was red, I kind of
wanted green, but Erin thought red would look better. She is a girl
and so by default she has better taste than me when it comes to
interior decorating, so I bought red. I don't have cable and my buddy
is stopping by to pick me in in 15 minutes. So I am killing some
time. Get ready for more rambling. So yep....I think I may be
reaching epic porportions of kicking ass, I am not sure on official
status of that yet, I will have to get back to you. I think I need to
start a blog and this will be what it is like. Random thoughts that
come out of my head. I saw my Aunt and Uncle this weekend (that is
not all interesting I know), they told me they went camping with this
couple. They asked the couple to bring weiners to roast one night.
The dude that was comming is a trapper. He brought beaver weiners. I
had no idea there were beaver weiners. On the other hand I am not
exactly sure what regular weiners are made of, there could be some
beaver involved.(oh yeah, the beaver weiners was the interesting
part). Last thought on beaver weiners. It is kind of odd how when
viewing the term "beaver weiner" in a perverted sort of way it seems
to contridict itself (excluding possible of being a hermaphrodyte)
yet when dealing with the term in practicle applications, it actually
has two meanings (for those at home we call that a synonym) it is not
only a weiner made of beaver, yet could be the name of the genitals of
a male beaver. Man, isn't nature fascinating. Well you helped me
kill some time so I shall now go. I bet you are really going to
regret giving me your email address.


Long Lost Blog

Yes I have been horrible. I keep meaning to post on this thing, but now I am working and then get home and don't think about posting because I am just too tired when I get home. Yes...lame I know, but none the less that is my excuse. Since Dan and Anna's wedding I went to a Family reunion at Stanly Lake Idaho and saw so many cousins and even some extended family from the French West Indies. It was a nice change of pace from work and the heat of Helena.

This weekend I was supposed to go to Sandpoint Idaho, but I got sick and figured it was important to relax before Jonny and Sara's wedding next week.

But all in all life is good. I am starting to settle into Helena life and am getting into the swing of being a real grown up. Now its time to take the next step. I am looking at getting another job and paying off my debt, and get my finances in order. I am getting there slowly...but surely. I'll update more often I promise!