
Now Sound

Yes folks, Clementine is now safe AND sound. Yes folks, sound! How so you might ask?! Well this past week has truely been killer. I found what I thought to be a in between job to get me by until I could find a better job. I answered a phone call from an ad on Craigs List for a barista in Kirkland. Well I went in for the interview, that went well, the owners of this coffee shop are from Australia...they rock. So they offer me a job and I started Monday! Very cool...then after my shift, I was offered a postion as the front of the house manager. One of the owners is the manager of the kitchen, since he is a chef.

Its an awesome job! I am given a lot of freedom to make choices of the staff and direction we go with the front of the resturant. Eventually we will open a cocktail bar and then turn into a killer chill night club. I am absolutely excited to be a part of this adventure. It will be tons of fun, and my bosses ROCK!

So that my friends is why I am sound!

Happy Christmas to all and to all a good night!


The Christmas Party Madness

So my friends started a Chritsmas party tradition here in Seattle in 1999 in the basement of one of the dorms. It started with a little gift exchange and Sara Bader's wonderful top ramen and tomato sauce. Now....it is madness. The highlight of the gift exchange...Gnarly Teeth, and Banco's book The Easiest Way to Get Pregnant Naturally!



Safe...Maybe not Sound yet

I have made it safely to Sea-town (Seattle for all you who are confused). I am safe and now frantically looking for a means of cash flow. But I am excited. This new chapter will be one of excitement and passion. It will be a chance for me to enter the part of the 'grown up world' that I have not entered yet. I look forward to the adventures ahead.

And thanks Nate for the Shout Out! I appreciate it. I already miss my friends in H-town. I'll be back for New Years! Oh you just wait (maybe the triple trouble triple kiss will occur again!)

Miss all the H-town peeps, but you are all welcome in seatown anytime!


How to make ME!

How to make a Clementine

5 parts competetiveness

5 parts self-sufficiency

5 parts joy
Combine in a tall glass half filled with crushed ice. Serve with a slice of fitness and a pinch of salt. Yum!