

Ok so life is pretty boring....or should I say non eventful. I moved house! PRAISE GOD! Now I live with my friend Francie, his girlfriend Paula and another friend Grace in a beautiful new house. I am working a shitty bar job that pays shitty and has messed up my sleeping habits but its money. I think I am going to look for a part time day job so I can reduce my hours at the Strand Bar. I have met a few randoms working at the bar but that always seems to happen. Other than that I'm just hanging out for the summer then only God knows what's in store. I am anxious to find out.

For those of you who read this shoot me an email or something. I am getting home/friend sick. And want updates.


just feel like writing

Well I started my joby job and it seems good. Late nights but what can ya do huh? I may have to find another job that is during day hours so I can make more money. I guess the less I go out the more money I save huh? I am absolutely shattered today. I was out last night with some interns from Church, and then worked Friday and Saturday nights...meaning very little sleep for poor Clementine.

I finally am moving out of my house on Friday! WAHOO!!! I can't wait, I get to live in a tidy house with people I am friends with. No more listening to folks vomit in sinks next door...no more parties till 6am when I am trying to sleep, and no more disrespectful teenage boys. I couldn't be more excited.

Unfortunately life isn't all that exciting. No fun travels or anything else. I just don't have the funds. I did however get a new digital camera when I was home so I will try to post more pics when I have a bit more time.


Easy Job

I have a job for the summer and it took no effort on my part AT ALL! Well maybe a wee bit but that is it. I walked into a pub I was told was hiring and asked if they had open positions. I told the manager that I had a bit of experience and was asked to sit down and wait for an on the spot interview. Sheesh talk about easy. And the best part is that I start Friday night! She said that these next couple weeks I would only be working a few nights but as my time there increased and I provided good customer service I would get more hours and hours I wanted. WAHOO!!! Needless to say I am a happy camper. I will be working full time this summer to help make some money for next year. And because I will be working weekends and night mostly I will have less time to go out and spend all my money. So it wall works out well.