
1st week alone

So this week has been rough.  I am glad it is Friday!  This is my first week with Aidrian with out some form of help and it has not been an easy transition.  But I have made it to the finish line (well almost).  WHEW!  He has been VERY gassy and that has made day time with him extremely tough. Not to mention that he is awake a lot these days and that means he needs more momma time, which means momma doesn't have it in her to much else these days. 

However, I must add I have the bestest husband when it comes to having a new baby, as he stays up late at night to take the midnight feeding and lets me get a solid 4-5 hours of sleep.  That has been a god send.  I am not sure how some of my single mother friends have been able to do this, or my friends who's husbands travel a lot.  It is hard being with a baby all day without adult interaction at some point.  I can't imagine doing it for days with out some respite.

That said, Aidrian is growing.  And although he is still small I can see the changes he is making.  We've photo happy here at the house the last couple weeks capturing his cuteness and trying to portray how tiny he really is.  Here are some of our snapshots.


Little baby Lindley

He entered the world quickly and in full force.  On Monday, April 12, I came home from work late (trying to complete my time sheet) and went about my typical evening.  Dropped Isaiah off at Martial Arts, went to Costco got my prescription filled, and then came home to meet Andy-who had a basketball game that night.  We talked for a bit and I made myself some hot cereal for dinner because I wasn't too hungry.  After the cereal I cut up some fresh cantaloupe and sat down on the couch to enjoy it whilst watching a little TV.  I got all situated on the couch, leaned over to get the bowl of cantaloupe and as I reached for the bowl I felt a popping sound in my abdomen, and felt something like a water balloon in my belly exploded.  All of a sudden I realize it was my water...and it broke!  I got up off the couch (which was unharmed) and stood up to walk to the bathroom, when WHOOSH my pants looked like I had been holding my urge to pee for a year.

Soon the contractions began and I didn't think much of it.  Labor lasts hours right?  So I started getting my bag packed (the baby was due May 7th...we had time).  Andy took a shower, and we got our things together to head to the hospital.  Really Andy got our things together to head to the hospital.  Finally 40 minutes later I could barely stand and next thing I knew I was doubled over on the floor puking up the small dinner I had just eaten.  And still I figured it was nothing because labor lasts hours right?

We got to the hospital at 9:56 and I was wheeled to the birthing suites in a wheelchair.  (I was out of commission walking at this point).  They immediately got me a room and started hooking monitors to me, I had no idea how fast my contractions were hitting me at this point, but I knew they were hard and made me feel like I wanted to throw up (again).  An hour later (no time for pain killers) they checked me and I was completely effaced and dilated and it was time to push the little baby out into the big bad world.  5 pushes later a darling baby boy came into the world.

That was our first shock as we both thought the baby was going to be a girl.  Then we looked at the clock and realized it was 11:20.  So my entire process lasted nearly 2  and a half hours.  Later we realized he was born at 11:04,  which meant the entire thing lasted almost exactly 2 hours.  He was ready to be in this big bad world.

The best part was that he was healthy (even though he was 3.5 weeks early) and doing great.  Andy and I stayed at the hospital on Monday and Tuesday nights and they sent us home mid morning on Wednesday.

Little Aidrian had a bit of jaundice but they let him go home anyway.  life was good with the little guy home and the start of a new schedule being followed.  But that was all to be flipped around when we went to the pediatrician on Thursday morning.  We found out Aidrian's jaundice had gotten worse and that he had to be re-admitted to the hospital to sit under the bili-lights to get enough UV light to come home.  He sat there under the rays (we called it his personal spa day) and we came back to the hospital every 3 hours to feed him.  It was tough.  We had to let our little baby at 3 days old stay over night in the NICU and we went home and waited until the next morning.  He was able to come home (Thank God) and he has been wonderful ever since.

Today marks his 2 week birthday and I can already tell he is getting bigger and growing up.  (I think only a parent can say that).  We are all doing great and it has been a whirlwind around our house.  I really can't believe its has been 2 weeks since our whirling dervish arrived.

I suck at Blogging

Hello Cyber world!  I realized that the last time I posted I was nearly 11 weeks along.  And here I sit with a baby in hand and the lack of updates for you all.  So stay tuned and you'll see some photos of the little bambino and hopefully with being home I'll be able to update more often.