

Well here I am back in the ol' US of A. And I am a bit overwhelmed. Besides being a bit culture shocked I haven't got much sleep due to deep convos with the sister, and jet lag. Gotta love it. Now I have a 12 hour drive from Denver to Helena tomorrow and oh how I am looking forward to it. Or not.

Actually it will be nice having some alone time and just chillin in the car. I find driving one of the most relaxing things in the world. So hopefully it will help prepare me for what lies ahead. Since I envision my life being madness and mahem the next month.

On a happier note than my last couple blogs, I found out I got a stipend from the Support Fund at Uni so when I return to Derry I won't have to stess about rent and bills straight away. So that has been a nice bonus. Now I just need to start getting things together for this internship/placement in October. I can't wait.

Well I will sign off for now, still 2 more states 3 towns/cities to occupy before I venture off to the emerald isle.

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