
What makes Helena

On a weekend trip to Missoula this past weekend my best friends mom called and asked why I was in Missoula when I just left 4 day earlier. I responded that I got sick of Helena. And her response was of course you did you don't have 2.5 children and aren't married.

That got me thinking...does it take being married and having your 2.5 children to maintain happiness in this town. I love driving into the valley when I come home for the holidays, but after a week of being here I am ready to leave. I never thought it could be because Helena caters to couples and not singles. Its true that the older generation here in Helena is like a soap opera. Couple B divorces at the same time as couples A, C, D, and F and soon all the couples have found an equation where they are dating so and so's ex. And soon they remarry and have their 2.5 kids plus their spouses 2.5 kids. So now they really are one big happy family.

So where does the 20 something single Helena native fit into this picture...well they don't. That is the problem. That is why something like Octoberfest at the fairgrounds brings out Helena's finest single folk. It gives them an excuse to drink and hit on girls that aren't going to push them away because they too are drunk. As one friend said to me Friday night as I walked into the Octoberfest tent, "wanna find some hot guys?!" I looked at her and almost said, "yeah where are we gonna go for that?!" Instead I suggested we go and dance to the wonderful polka/country/rock music being played on the stage. So that is what happens to those single 20-somethings they kind of blend into the same group as the older generation divorcees.

That said, I am not into any of that. If I go out I wanna have a good time, but remember the night. I want to wake up with a clear head and a conscious recollection of what I did the night before. I want to have life remain to be an adventure. And settling down into "Helena" life just won't do it for me.

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