
Montana Life

It has been good being home. I have realized many of my childhood friends have left this town to find bigger and better adventures. And some are back on sabbatical, and then there are the ones that just love Helena and will never leave (however, they are few and far between). I have seen a few good friends and that has been nice to catch up. I have also met new friends. Its kind of weird to do so as I live in a foreign country and will be departing soon, but it is also refreshing to get new perspectives and receive new outlooks on life. I had one such friend tell me he thought there were too many liberals in the world, and he thought conscription was a good idea. And after a mild discussion we realized that we both felt strongly about opposing views however, it was nice having a educated discussion about both.

It is also through these new friendships I hope to grow. I hope that they remain and do not dim. Friendship is so important to me. It is right up there with God, and family. I don't think I could live without all my hundreds of friends in the world. And each of them has played a major roll in my life and for that I am thankful. I am also thankful for those 'new' friends who are willing to take a risk and be friends with someone who is leaving the country. That is such an honour to me. So to all my friends out there THANK YOU!

I guess its just like the old nursery rhyme went: Make new friends but keep the old. One is silver and one is gold. Only to me all my friends are gold.

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