

Who ever thought it would be possible to suffer culture shock so much in just a short period. I suffered it when I returned to the States and again upon my return here. I still haven't adjusted time wise but that will end when the elections are over and I don't have to stay up late at night to watch such things...ok well maybe post world series. But it should happen soon. I have a lot to accomplish in a short time.

On another note my friend Tyler (www.tylerknott.com) wrote an interesting blog re: goodbyes. I have to say ditto to that Ty! My case isn't the same as yours but I understand completely. Saying goodbye face to face is horrible, awful, and unenjoyable. But I think that goodbye makes saying Hello all that much more enjoyable. If a goodbye isn't hard then Hello isn't that enthused. I don't think its time playing the trick its our brain affixed on time. Trust me...I have had some sleepless nights where I think 63 days...24 hours in each day...sixty minutes in each hour...I AM NEVER GOING HOME!!! But then I think 10 weeks...that is nothing. Its all a matter of perspective. What is 10 weeks when it could be a lifetime? It is all relative I guess.

But relative or not 10 weeks is what I have to give here, and what I have until I am reunited with friends and family back in Seattle and Montana. I think I can do it...sheesh that means only 10 weeks to type 15,000 words. Now that doesn't seem long enough. Whew...time is relative!

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