

In the last month my life has been twisted upsidedown. I have changed all plans that at one time I thought were set, God has placed in my life some very special people who make being away hard. And just recently I discovered I do not desire or am I able to call Ireland home any longer. It may someday be home, but for now it is not. I love my friends here. They have been wonderful, and I will always be there for them. However, at this time I need to be there for my friends in America.

For all of you who are unaware I will return home in December and will be back in Helena until I can get my feet off the ground (or the debt off my credit card)and then the adventure of Clementine will begin again. I don't know where it will take me or what it will provide but I do know that I am ready.

I walk down the streets of Derry and it isn't home any longer. I haven't been to Galway yet, but I think it would be the same there. I have many friends here, and some of them are getting married as well. And I plan on supporting them in their lives, but for now I must support myself and do what feels right and that is returning to Montana for a brief bit (Yes I know I never thought I would hear those words uttered from my mouth) and continue on to achieve my life goals. I have created many new ones in recent months and just await the opportunity to conquer them. Nothing is impossible. It just takes time. And right now I seem to have plenty of it!

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