
The Big 2-5

Yes Folks this is it...Clementine is now officially 25 years of age. A quarter century old, halfway to 50. And to be honest it feels GREAT! I have been able to celebrate with very good friends and I even go Kerry/Bush cupcakes made on my birthday for the Debate! They were very cool! Now I am wrapping up my trip here to the States and Seattle, and am trying to pump myself up for Ireland.

I love Ireland, and have amazing friends there, but I have finally grown into my skin here in the States. I am OK living here now. I don't feel as though I NEED to be in Ireland forever, instead I am comfortable being close to family and friends. And the plane journey to Ireland isn't too bad. So slowly I am embracing my Americaness. Not yet at the stage where I would wave an American flag and shout my nationality but a state where I am comfortable with my nation (perhaps not its leaders) and myself.

But for now I have 10 weeks until I come back state side, and although that isn't very long time at all it seems like a life time right now. I am sure my mind set will change once my plane lands Wednesday morning and I am able to see good friends and stop living out of a suit case. Then Ireland may be "home" again.

I guess only time will tell. I am excited to see where this new adventure will take me, I am ready to conquer the next big 2-5...look out 50 here I come!!!

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